urlTogether is the community layer of the internet. Create group chats for any live stream, Tinder with friends, plan trips together on Airbnb, or shop collaboratively. Built in a weekend hackathon with Ellie Day, Kahaan Patel, Michael Houck, and Rodney Yesep.
Getting started with urlTogether is super simple. No sign up is required to test out creating your first "layer".
Private, ephemeral chatting on any location on a webpage. Browse a page together, make comments, make decisions, or collaborate.
Privately mark-up any page using the marker tool. Add humor or emphasize something for your friends.
The urlTogether loader captures live, collaborative nature of the product.
The urlTogether brand encapsulates the joy experienced when engaging in something collaboratively with your friends. The brand had to be bold, optimistic, light-hearted, and youthful.
Select Work
urlTogetherProduct Design & Branding
Hinge PhotographyCreative Direction & Production
MezzanineProduct Design
HingeProduct Design & Art Direction
HomelandProduct Design
AndexProduct Design & Branding
FiClubProduct Design
MatchmakerProduct Design
Flesh CardsGame Design & Branding
Kate McLeodBranding